There are few days were everything hangs in the balance, and where it is ordinary people who hold the scales. There are few days in the history of the Republic which are as important as today. Either it will be seen as a turning point, or it will be seen as the inflection point ever downwards in a spiral. Today it is not moghuls of finance, generals, or distant elites who decide our fate, but only us. We can look back over two hundred years, and see a few, a very few, days which decided the fate of the nation. Many were on the field of battle, some few were elections. Today we fight a war, not with force, but the force of our convictions, we fight a battle, where the wings of victory, are our own words.
We must say no. And we must tell the people who work for us. This bill is not nothing else than the meaning of America itself. We have a choice of two Americas, one where enabling acts are rammed through under the cover of darkness and obscurity, with and in the shadow of fear, the other where there is, yet, some slim hope for our Democracy. The waves of the people's revolution must overwhelm the dike and dams of privilege on this day, or there will be no tomorrow.